We're driving more customers to your business

Beacon Dashboards LLC offers the finest custom websites that attract more customers to your business.

Our website development and marketing team

My name is Paul Richardson, and I founded Beacon Dashboards LLC to help businesses and non-profit organizations book more appointments and engage their audience with websites and dashboards that attract new customers and encourage loyalty. I served in the US Army from 2001 to 2005 where I developed an outstanding work ethic, attention to detail, stellar punctuality, and an insatiable desire to improve. These characteristics enable me to overcome obstacles, achieve my goals, and are the cornerstone of Beacon Dashboards LLC.
I've earned a master's degree in economics where I started learning about data analytics and computer programming. I continued learning more about Bayesian statistics for macroeconomic research and forecasting. After graduation, I developed a statistical software library in R and C++ called BHSBVAR, that many people all over the world use today, which is available online through the Comprehensive R Archival Network (CRAN) and GitHub.
Much of my data analytics work experience involved developing online dashboards, with the R programming language, to share results with others. I started learning JavaScript, CSS, and HTML once I realized that all the R libraries I was using were wrappers for JavaScript libraries. That's when I began building dashboards, data analytics applications, and websites with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML using the Next JS framework. My programming knowledge, skills, and experience allows me to produce the most attractive and performant websites and dashboards that help my clients achieve their goals.
Claire is my little cat.
  • Founder of Beacon Dashboards LLC.

    Paul Richardson


  • Founder of Beacon Dashboards LLC

    Claire Richardson
